Tuesday, 5 May 2009
Why is it that more and more young girls are getting pregnant. Is because we are not doing enough is school to help them make the right choices when it comes to having a sexual relationship? The rate of teenage pregnancy is on the increase. The age of the girl getting pregnant it getting lower to.
Are we doing all that we can to make sure that these young adults have all the information they need on being safe when it comes to having sex. It shocking to that how many of this young adults just didn’t know that they could get pregnant the first time they have sex. I once hard a story of a girl by me getting pregnant because she didn’t think she would if she had sex standing up. Which is silly I know but that’s just show that some people just don’t have the knowledge/ education they need on the facts on pregnancy and safe sex.
I know that we are not going to stop underage sex from happen because teenagers what to explore, but we could be giving them a better education on how to have safe sex and were they can get contraception from. Not only are they at risk of getting pregnant but also getting an STDs because they are not being safe when having sex.
Have a look at every child matter for the latest news on teenage pregnancy and what’s being done to try and stop it. http://www.everychildmatter.gov.uk/teenageprgnancy/
Comment on Rachel’s post about Abortion.
I think it is bad that you can have a abortion at 24 weeks. I think that this is wrong as the baby can be born. I think that the date that you can have abortion should be lowered to a point were the baby is not developed and unlike to be born.
I feel that it is ok in some cases for a woman to have abortion. For example if she has been raped and this lends to her being pregnant. But people who go out just having sex without protection shouldn’t be able to just ’get rid’ because they don’t want a child and couldn’t be bothered to try and stop getting pregnant in the first place. Using a condoms or taking the pill but this is still not one hundred percent safe.
The number of women having abortions in the UK is going up, they are using this as alternate contraception. I don’t think this is right if you don’t want a child then have safe sex. “1,300 UK Women Have Had at Least Five Abortions” (lifelikeness.com) I find this fact shocking.
http://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2008/mar/08032009.htm have a read there is some good information on this.
Monday, 4 May 2009
Anyone can get bullied from adults to children, in the work place or at school. There is even bullying on the internet. Bullying can be physical e.g. pushing, hitting or kicking someone or you can be bullied mentally e.g. name calling, teasing, being talked about or just making someone feel bad about themselves.
Bullying in school: there is a lot of bullying going on in schools today and we should be doing more to stop it happening as its makes the child scared to go to school and lowers their self esteem. Why are they being bullied? It may be because they don’t have the right look or best types of clothes or just simply because you haven’t got the right friends -These are just a few examples.
Although it doesn’t justify what bullies do, it is thought that bullying can stem from their home life. The ‘bullier’ has insecurities that he or she projects on to a vulnerable victim to make themselves feel better.
Nevertheless bullying is inexcusable. I think bullies should be ashamed of themselves. Just because they want to make themselves look ‘big’ or they are just jealous of that person so they think its ok to make another person life a misery. Bullies try and make the other person think its there fault when its not. No one has the right to make another person feel bad about themselves. Its just not right and I really think there should be more done to stop this from happening and more places children can go and talk about what happen without feeling scared to do so. We should all try to do our best to stop bullies or help some one if we know they are being bullied.
Stop the bullying now is a good website from child line for information about bullying and what you can do if you are being bullied.
People shouldn’t be scared to talk or ask for help. There are people out there who care and want to help. STOP THE BULLYING NOW!
Sunday, 3 May 2009
We have all told a white lie when we have done something wrong and we don’t want to face the consequences of our actions. Many people pull a ‘sicky’ to get out of work or going to school. Some people will lie so that they don’t hurt another person’s feelings e.g. when someone says do I look fat in this most people would say no even if they do. But when is a lie bad?
Some people think it is always bad to tell a lie, unless it’s a white lie. I think this perspective is right in most cases because when you lie over something big or wrong (e.g. cheating on your partner), you only end up telling more and more lies on top the one you told to cover yourself, and you will get found out in the end. “A liar should have a good memory” (BBC home page) I think this is a good statement because when you tell one lie to someone you need to make sure you tell the same lie the next time. If you lie, in most cases you need to tell another one on top of that, so eventually you need to remember all the lies so you’re not found out.
Many people hate that they have been lied too as it feels like an act of betrayal. So if we would have told the truth to start with their reaction might not have been so bad. It is hard to get someone’s trust back once it has been broken with a lie and if we didn’t have trust what would life be like constantly thinking you are being lie too. So why do we all still do it to one another?
Take a look at the BBC home page religion and ethics there is a good piece about lying and truth-telling.
Friday, 1 May 2009
Why do people see this as a bad thing, and feel that if you do get a tattoo or and piercing that they should be in a place that can be covered up. I think this is wrong because I feel that people should be free to express themselves.
People get their hair cut, have their nails done and have plastic surgery. All this is body medication but this is not a bad thing to do. Why is it that its ok to get a boob job if it makes the person happier about themselves but not for some one to get their face pierced or a tattoo that cant be covered.
I have got a tattoo which covers the half of my lower back which can be hard to cover at times. I also have dyed my hair black when I have blonde hair and I have had bright colours in it to. This doesn’t make me a bad person but some people would think so because of all the stereo types there is about having dark hair and a tattoo. I was still the same but people saw me differently.
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
We all have done it had a drink when we shouldn’t have. But why is it coming more of a problem to us now the amount of children drinking and drinking from an earlier age. It may come has a shock to some people but alcohol is the biggest problem we have with teens not drugs. Although alcohol can been seen as a drug.
In research the inside out did from the BBC found out that their children as young as 7 drinking regular. Why is this? It could be from the amount of TV programs that show drinking as a good, they may start due to peer pressure, thinking it makes them look good to have a drink in their hand. Have a read.
Some teens have a drink with their parents in the house and we all have done this to but were does that one drink lead to another one in most cases it does. The saying goes one more wont hurt but is does when its leads to children going out on to street drinking in bus stops or parks.
We should really be doing more to stop this. How can underage people get a drink in the first place. Even though a lot is being done to stop this, for example the age going up you have to look to buy a drink but this doesn’t stop them from getting someone else to get their drinks for them, and those people are the ones making it easier for people to start drinking earlier and also making it ok for them do to it when its not. We should all be trying to stop this from happening its ok for you to go a have a drink but its not if you going out getting them for children who should even be having one.
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
Are children bad??
I think that Emma’s post on her blog about ‘bad children???’ Makes some good points on that it’s not just children to blame for their behavior there are other factors that don’t help. For example what children see on the TV, in the media and sometimes it can be bad parenting.
She also make a point about that there is not a correct way of parenting but making a children sit still and not correcting them when they do or say something wrong (bad language). I agree with what she says about that more guidance should be out there to help parents and young moms and more help to deal with children’s behavior.
Go on and take a look at Emma blog, what do you think?? http://ejnbeingbad.blogspot.com
Also take a look at the link she has left it has some good information on there.
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Is it being bad or just bad for you?
We all know some one that smokes yet we still look at it as a ok thing to do. It’s a drug yet its not classed as the same thing but more people die of smoking than anything else. Why don’t we look at its has more of a bed thing to do. Even though there is a lot more information out there telling us about how smoking is bad for us and what’s going to happen to us if we continue to carry on smoking yet people still are doing it, why?
Friday, 13 March 2009
Most of males in class first masturbated at the age of 12 and for girls it was 16-17 however there were more females to do it age 9 and under that males. (cant be right lol). Boy masturbate more than girls and girls tend to do it less when in a relationship but males do it just has much. This survey found that males and females like different aides to help them with this. Males use erotic pictures and females sex toys and objects.
This shows that girls like to masturbate but it is more common for you to hear about males doing it, and the terms to with are more male related e.g. ’jerking the gherkin’ . . . why is this?
I think this because girls are more likely to keep things to them self around this topic. Were men are more open with the whole idea of sex
Thursday, 12 March 2009
Kid might not be my hubby's!
During dear Deidre on the 18th Jan, a woman confessed than she’d had a one night stand which might to have lend to her child not being her husbands. She has been married for 2 years and with her partner for nine years, and trying for a baby for three. Even though she is very happy in her marriage, during a business trip, she had a few too may drinks and one think lead to another. Now she finds she’s 7 months pregnant and the dates don’t add up. Her husband is really excited and wants to be a father, does she tell him?
A one stand is a common thing but in most cases no will get hurt, however in this it could lead to a lot of heart ache. I think the woman is using the drink as an excuse for what she has done, were I feel she could have still said no and would have if she was truly happy in her marriage. She is just trying to off load her guilt when really she should be discussing this with her husband.
How would you feel if you were him. . . Casual sex good thing or bad?