Monday 4 May 2009


Anyone can get bullied from adults to children, in the work place or at school. There is even bullying on the internet. Bullying can be physical e.g. pushing, hitting or kicking someone or you can be bullied mentally e.g. name calling, teasing, being talked about or just making someone feel bad about themselves.

Bullying in school: there is a lot of bullying going on in schools today and we should be doing more to stop it happening as its makes the child scared to go to school and lowers their self esteem. Why are they being bullied? It may be because they don’t have the right look or best types of clothes or just simply because you haven’t got the right friends -These are just a few examples.

Although it doesn’t justify what bullies do, it is thought that bullying can stem from their home life. The ‘bullier’ has insecurities that he or she projects on to a vulnerable victim to make themselves feel better.

Nevertheless bullying is inexcusable. I think bullies should be ashamed of themselves. Just because they want to make themselves look ‘big’ or they are just jealous of that person so they think its ok to make another person life a misery. Bullies try and make the other person think its there fault when its not. No one has the right to make another person feel bad about themselves. Its just not right and I really think there should be more done to stop this from happening and more places children can go and talk about what happen without feeling scared to do so. We should all try to do our best to stop bullies or help some one if we know they are being bullied.

Stop the bullying now is a good website from child line for information about bullying and what you can do if you are being bullied.

People shouldn’t be scared to talk or ask for help. There are people out there who care and want to help. STOP THE BULLYING NOW!

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